Sunday, February 21, 2010
just slow down.
look right and look left.
see whether its safe.
then proceed.
your going to get burned.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
got to say this is one of the most BORING CNY hols i EVER had in my life.
Well, i cant help it too.
but still.
no ANGPAO. =(
$$$ ( imagine wings beside the $ sign )
and to make everything worse.
i spent $$$ to get a 1 TB HARDRIVE.
$$$ ( fly away even further )
oh well.
its for a good cause.
my 250 gig portable HD is dead already.
dead as in no space.
all hail the new HD.
Well, i cant help it too.
but still.
no ANGPAO. =(
$$$ ( imagine wings beside the $ sign )
and to make everything worse.
i spent $$$ to get a 1 TB HARDRIVE.
$$$ ( fly away even further )
oh well.
its for a good cause.
my 250 gig portable HD is dead already.
dead as in no space.
all hail the new HD.
the white one is the new HD,
the brown one is the old one.

and yeah,

and yeah,
heres my baby cousin.

Saturday, February 13, 2010
I am so glad I am sane.
But in general,
But in general,
CNY rehearsal.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Every Session brings a new experience.
Some good,
some bad,
some disappointing,
some overwhelming.
The house council definitely did this CNY performance better then orientation.
i have no idea who did the orientation but it sucks badly.
At least the HC tells us WHATS going on.
which i find extremely helpful.
im not tired after practice CO today.
but i don't like this feeling too man.
its just.
empty.( including my stomach )
oh well,
thank god that school's till one tmr.
CCA signup
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
a headache is about to emerge.
and its going to rip my brains out of my skull.
i can't say much for todays orientation i guess.
but im not really satisfied in general.
we did the cookies,
the cotton candy.
the banner
and our results?
not that good.
all i can say, even E club got more dudes then us.
which is like...
No matter how hard you try or do,
there is always somebody there,
ready to pounce on you when they see ur flaws.
as for the selling of cookies,
i really appreciated A06's effort in helping CO sell the cotton candy and cookies!
really really really really appreciated their effort!!
n hanlin today okay !
their really NICE PEOPLE.
and im glad i have friends like them.
they totally made my JC life more meaningful and enriching in certain ways
and yes,
im going to complain about how our school run the activities and stuff.
last minute and sometimes they don't even inform us @ all.
we students are NOT at your command @ all times okay.
we DESERVED to get informed regardless of position or not okay.
im not going to target which group or what,
but this is seriously how they run their stuff.
its irritating you know.
so yeah,
CO huat lah!!
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Ah, its 1037,
and the songka below is still blasting their speakings.
i can hear every word distinctly.
thats how loud they are.
no offence dude, but seriously man,
can you please keep the volume down?
and they are singing liang zhu lol.

Monday, February 08, 2010
i can feel it.
i will avoid it.
i know it.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
The day is finally over,
and i am so frigging tired after CO today!
Heres the list of reasons why im tired.
1) Performance always makes me shag
2) PE in the morning, did 3 sets of bodywork out + running.
3) CO.
4) im always tired.
so yah, tired + tired = gg.
and yes,
i need to thank jun an and yinchow for coming to SA today!
dont blame me if what i said doesn't make sense
cause im really tired right now. =/
on a totally unrelated note,
but i really feel like posting this because.
of no specific reason.
once the first b is b,
the k will go e.
what the...
and i love wikihow..
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
you never know.

until you know.
now i know.
knowing is one thing,
doing it out is another thing
but what if you can't do anything about it?
so does knowing it makes it better den knowing it or not knowing it.
so to know or not to know ?
should people know it?
or should people not know it.
if people know it but feels like shit after knowing it,
isn't it better without knowing it?
know know know.
you know,
i know,
we know,
he know,
she know,
who knows
you know?
i know?
we know?
she know?
who know?
know know?
moral of the story.
know moral of the story.
and yes,
im going to CRASH ORIENTATION NIGHT TMR after CO with A6!
and a tsunami is about to happen...