Tuesday, February 02, 2010
you never know.

until you know.
now i know.
knowing is one thing,
doing it out is another thing
but what if you can't do anything about it?
so does knowing it makes it better den knowing it or not knowing it.
so to know or not to know ?
should people know it?
or should people not know it.
if people know it but feels like shit after knowing it,
isn't it better without knowing it?
know know know.
you know,
i know,
we know,
he know,
she know,
who knows
you know?
i know?
we know?
she know?
who know?
know know?
moral of the story.
know moral of the story.
and yes,
im going to CRASH ORIENTATION NIGHT TMR after CO with A6!
and a tsunami is about to happen...