Saturday, July 28, 2007
jasmine came across a blog today and shared the link with me!!.
guess wat? we started mimicking him..
jasmine is feeling ☑stun-ed ☑forgetful ☑brain-damaged says:
jasmine is feeling ☑stun-ed ☑forgetful ☑brain-damaged says:
hOw dArE euuuu laFx aT mOiii!
zHiWeN says:
zHiWeN says:
zHiWeN says:
iii wunn larffss at euuu
jasmine is feeling ☑stun-ed ☑forgetful ☑brain-damaged says:
its moiii!
zHiWeN says:
zHiWeN says:
stop it
hahaha! its so funny to laugh at these people typing away like that. but its even funnier to mimic them! apparently, jasmine and i arent skilled in this and this is the first time we tried this out. no more in future?! hehehe~ =D
like wat i said, after 3 years, he really is a.. ******
PS: no. of * doesn equal to the spelling of the word.
Copyied from jasmine lol!!
this was our conversation a few days ago...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Anyway lessons was per normal.. and life is great without GABRIEL INTURPTING THE TEACHERS and talking about SEX!! PEACE!! ^^
The advantages about 17 people in a class is that, you get to concentrate much better >.< yea..
Oh, on my way home, i saw a man streaking near some bushes >.<.. -.-" can't he find a toilet? which is only like.. 50m away -.-"
Pengz. . . . .. . . . . .. .
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Went CC..
Was late.. However, i din have to sing =)..
Had rehersal afterwards.. pretty average..
Gu zheng essemble and the primary school chior was not bad
However i din understand the indian dance >.< ???
One indian girl look like bones?? LOL.. =x
Chior = cute little children singing and dancing =)
Had lunch after rehersal.. Mr boo said the food costs alot?
Costs more like 2 dollars to me lol.. =x
Stayed at cc to lian suo na afterwards..
Quite cui, cauz all out of tune lols.. however i will jia you!!
Blowing out of tune is the first step to sucess LOL!!!
Had T&A..
Din manage to do one question.. sianz..
POA getting more and more boring with the new teacher..
I miss mr Eddie larhz.. he teaches so much better >.<
Had CNA ..
Topics - Why is it important to tc of the enviroment
- Have you ever visited a farm?
Had chem remedial..
Was Thinking about sth..
Nvm haha
May tomorrow be a better day ^^
Thursday, July 19, 2007
After lesson ended at 5.30, me , marc and sy went to astons to have dinner haha =p.. its considered cheap and the food is DELICIOUS!! great place.. however, you must go fast , otherwise there would be a long queue.. and while i was eating, there's this cute little girl keep turning back to make eyes at marc!! haha.. dun anyhow think arh.. shes really really SMALL!!! yeapp..
After that, i went to cold storage to buy WD-40 for my yq.. and we went to marc house to watch jackass 2.. its a funny yet saddistic show.. however i don't recommend you guys to watch it lols..
May tml be a nice day ^^
Monday, July 16, 2007
WOKE UP EARLY FOR LESSON!! woohoo hahas =).. Learnt a new song.. very nice!! but very hard >.After that, went to cc and had practice as usual.. but sad to say although geraldine was playing da gu.. she have not mastered the song . so it was not very idealistic ... well practice makes perfect =) haha.. and the new drum set came.. "rhythm traveller" .. it is kinda small.. as it was meant to be portable hahas.. practice den ended and me,david,wh stayed to help ben to essamble the drumset.. and after that, we went to have lunch.. me & sy stayed at e food court while david and wh went to the market place to eat.. after that we stayed to lian .. until bout 3, david and wh went to tm.. however i continued staying to lian awhile more and i saw jonathan!! the police 1.. his sheng blow very nice !!! >.< yeap.. untill 4 , me and sy and jonathan left .. den i accompanied sy to go get his pants at katong.. and i went home after dat =)..
Monday , 16/7/07
Woke up early as usual lols.. had T&A .. it was quite bad as i din noe what is amphoteric ( spelling error lols ) acid.. sigh.. well lesson was per normal... and i witnessed alloy FALLING ASLEEP DURING PHYSICS !!!! woohoo haha.. after that i left school. reached home around 4++... den met marc @ 4.30 and we left for bugis.. we went to bugis street as i wanted to buy a new bag.. however no bag appealed to me so we decided to go to the arcade =x.. and we played ONE game!! haha just ONE!! XD.. and we lost quite badly though lol.. >.< .. after playing , we hang around for awhile and i went to bugis street to SEARCH for a nice bag again.. and i finally bought a bag!! and i also paid for marc's 'bunny' bag as he had no $$ haha.. very cute XD.. looks great on marc haha.. and we left for tuition.. XD If u wana see his bag, i think his gonna bring it to school tomorrow ^^
Saturday, July 14, 2007
And i talked to hao song for e first time !.. he even guessed who is my teacher frm the way i play lol.. very cool.. haha
Den we had sectional practice and had sweets to accompany us lol.. XD..
And i stayed till 6.45 lol.. den left ^^
Friday, July 13, 2007
Anyways lesson was fun.. thanks to MS PRADEPA.. AGAIN.. AND AGAIN.. man.. PG totally rawks.. XD..
Ahh and Practice was same .. taught my junior G major scale.. yay.. haha.. and multi-task long teng and matsuri.. LOL ^^
Practice today!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
And sch ended.. i took key and went to open the CO room.. happened to saw david and a couple of people getting scolded by you know who, cauz they were 'gambling' -.-" in class.. ahh... and i must thank kin ren again.. for chasing people up hahas.. XD.. Went to CS after that.. and mr khor din come.. so my cs group spend the whole time doing 3 quizzes... and we left 2 questions >.<.. after that went back to CO for practice..
We had he zou.. and it was kinda fun.. however my day got ruined thanks to somebody larhz.. sigh >.< okay.. i just wana say this.. 'it has always been like that, just because you been here for a long time you cannot change fact's " and by the way, buying instruments for ourselves is our personal rights.. just because she did not buy it from you, does not mean that the instrument is lousy. by the way, your daughter also uses the SAME stick.. zzz >.< .. So from next wednesday onwards, all the CO ppl have to bring their instruments home ON WEDNESDAY and bring it back on FRIDAY.. And from FRIDAY bring their instruments back home!!
Oh well, may tomorrow be a better day ^^
Whos interested to watch csco concert, please msg me haha.. XD
SYF Showcase
However, pasir ris seriously played better than what they have played during SYF .. no wonder they got GWH XD.. hehes..
Nanyang girls was good.. however the paigu player kinda sway cauz the paigu stand not stable and the drum like keep slanting .. pengz..
Jiang Jun ling was GREAT.. XD.. that suo na girl tai feng totally rawks larhz ...
Anyway, Hwa chong institution and TJC totally rawks the whole concert larhz.. they played as well as their recording i have hahas.. infact better!! i was kinda amazed yeap..
Oh, and mr tay conducting skill quite cool.. use hand de.. haha.. quite styloz.. anyway concert ended at around 9.50 and me,wh,marc and sy went to eat at lao pak sat.. den we took e MRT home ^^
Monday, July 09, 2007
Anyways Lesson was normal..
Got ji siao'ed during physics again.. >.< but nvm haha..
Anyways, heres a photo of cheong chee that i took during lunch LOL

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Basically = i missed this mornings yq lesson ..
Oh man ... i always feel very guilty when i miss the lesson >.<
Lets hope this would be e last time !!!!!!
So took bus wif marc and david to cc.. den walked to cc as usual..
Practice was normal.. but i liked vu-neh-lu-vali-ba ( LOL ) cauz the drum beat very cute lols..And trying to coordinate my beats with the shouting for matsuri lol.. Long teng was okay... now only need to seperate the parts wif wh.. XD..
Stayed in cc till 4+ to lian.. den went home ~ ^^
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Made potato salad wif mi sis this morning today.. haha.. it turned up to be more of mash potato cauz e potato was really huge and we boiled 2 =x.. lols..
After that went to PA.. Practiced Blue daniel again..
During Break, yan qian treated me prata again!! hahas thankies.. XD
Returned to pa for sectional practice... Den went home ..
Oh and is it me or is linkin park getting lousier?? zzz >.<
CCA Day~
Friday, July 06, 2007
Anyways lessons was fun as usual.. thanks to ms PRADEPA!! Totally RAWKS!!RAWRZ!!
Den CCA start.. Practice was normal.. played some old songs.. and must sight read the matsuri.. zzz!! although got mistake.. but nxt time sure wun haf le!! XD..
After Practice ended, went to eason wif marc,wh,dalston and sy.. Dal and wh went to buy kou di.. Den we left after eating @ foodcourt ^^..
Thursday, July 05, 2007
However.. Lessons was FUN as usual!! Thanks to ms pradepa.. XD..
Sad for victor larhz... Failed his 2nd Audi again...
But nvm.. Gambatei.. Can always try again .. =)
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
SS was AWSOME!!! Ms pradepa rawks.. haha.. XD
CO Practice was kinda SLOW today -.-" ... cauz the song was really slow... couldn't really play properly >.< ....
May tml be a better day XD..
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
We watched the 9.30pm show as there were no avaliable timeslots left.. We sat at the 3rd row... Btw, the chair at cs.. is really bad.. not comfortable de >.<
And so we watched.. there are also a few couple of funny parts too... So its really worth watching =).. As the show ended late, my dad came and fetch me and marc home XD..
Today, Went wild wild wet in the morning... =x.. got forced to go by alloy for his 'birthday' gift.. -.- .. The rides are quite boring though ... dunno why alloy enjoy so much >.< ... And everyone got sunburnt except for don.. cauz his already tanned haha.. Cheeyong got sunburnt the most .. hee..
After 4 hours in the sun, we left wild wild wet and went to eat at e kopitiam.. followed by a couple of arcade games heh.. den i left to meet sy,peiqi and chu ying at bugis... den we walk walk.. den went eason to see some instruments and left ...
Quite a boring day overall >.<