Saturday, July 28, 2007
jasmine came across a blog today and shared the link with me!!.
guess wat? we started mimicking him..
jasmine is feeling ☑stun-ed ☑forgetful ☑brain-damaged says:
jasmine is feeling ☑stun-ed ☑forgetful ☑brain-damaged says:
hOw dArE euuuu laFx aT mOiii!
zHiWeN says:
zHiWeN says:
zHiWeN says:
iii wunn larffss at euuu
jasmine is feeling ☑stun-ed ☑forgetful ☑brain-damaged says:
its moiii!
zHiWeN says:
zHiWeN says:
stop it
hahaha! its so funny to laugh at these people typing away like that. but its even funnier to mimic them! apparently, jasmine and i arent skilled in this and this is the first time we tried this out. no more in future?! hehehe~ =D
like wat i said, after 3 years, he really is a.. ******
PS: no. of * doesn equal to the spelling of the word.
Copyied from jasmine lol!!
this was our conversation a few days ago...