Saturday, January 30, 2010
and i wonder.
some things aren't funny the 1st time.
and it will never be funny man
whats so funny about it?!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Kaninah is a village in eastern Yemen. It is located in the Hadhramaut Governorate.
Of all the 36 strategies of war,
i believe that the 36th strategy is indeed the most important and crucial one to attain victory.
Technically, it might not be victory,
but if you are the one using the strategy,
victory may not be tangible,
but true victory lies in your heart.
And today,
out of the three talks,
i honestly enjoyed the talk by Mr derrick ho,
especially some of the excerpts he use during lecture.
how enriching it is.
And yes,
i saw something during the half an hour break after assembly today
it was..
close to epic.
and just to side track,
i can't pronounce three .
cause i will pronounce it as tree.
i want to pronounce that word ( CORRECTLY ) so badly man.
if u do not like to hear some one spam vulgarities,
which i find it funny,
please do not click the following.
and here's the recent peter chao video that isn't so bad relative to his past few videos.
Monday, January 25, 2010
It's going to be a real real tough 2 or 3 mths ahead. Zw. Brace yourself ok .
Hospital lol
Currently in the hospital right now. Waiting for. E results . Dk why is my mum so paranoid man. Oh well, I just have an intuition that it is nth serious man. Ok. The next few words may seem strange coming out from me but here goes.. God Bless my mum kk? :)
star wars 2 hands!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
came across a few renditions of various star wars songs on youtube today.
after hearing most of the ff songs which made a huge impact on me when i was young ( im still young) today,
i felt nth.
damn im heartless.
i cant say much
but bows down in respect.
may the force be with them!
after hearing most of the ff songs which made a huge impact on me when i was young ( im still young) today,
i felt nth.
damn im heartless.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Finally, msa is going to end tomorrow!
the Long awaited slacking period is coming again!
And To be honest,
I am rather worried about the upcoming performances for my cca
even though I cAn hear their mprovements every week,
I fear that they might not to be Able to perfom well for orientation
I need more time.
And I believe so do they.
So guys please work hard !
the Long awaited slacking period is coming again!
And To be honest,
I am rather worried about the upcoming performances for my cca
even though I cAn hear their mprovements every week,
I fear that they might not to be Able to perfom well for orientation
I need more time.
And I believe so do they.
So guys please work hard !
come on zhiwen.
you got to READ it.
the process is even more important then the results.
you got to walk,
run when needed,
and when its time,
you will jump.
and catch them off guard!
but being a nice person ( coughs )
i don't mind losing out.
or giving up!
or maybe all thats latent now really isn't there in the first place!
as long as i think that what i think its really what i think, but even though its not what i think, im satisfied.
i will help,
and i will be rooting man.
no specific reason.
just plain,
unrequited help.
theres a slight hunch of selfishness that i desire as well.
oh well!
and again on a totally unrelated note,
i love my phone. LOL.
even though my sisters one is better >.<" but who cares! its my first APPLE PRODUCT! FOR FREE.
but wait.
who DOESN'T!
Geog MSA and Sa appeal
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Surprisingly My geography MSA did not turn out to be as bad as I had imagined which is a GOOD GOOD relief :) now it is time to mug for my math paper on friday . And oh yeah, I am starting to get used to the typing motion for my iPhone which is like thriple yeahs! And on a totally CO note, the appeal students for Sa is really much better then what I have heard during the DSA which is really, absolutely like excretment. ( notice I din say shit ?) alright guys. To whom ever or whatever this may concern. Live long and prosper :) it is time to burry myself in my notes
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
ah, theres so much to study for geog!
migration!! fertility!! mortality !! can i burn you and drink you up instead of mugging?!!
can i just write my answers in point form instead?! ah!!
migration!! fertility!! mortality !! can i burn you and drink you up instead of mugging?!!
can i just write my answers in point form instead?! ah!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
It suddenly occured to me from whom I caught the flu. And now the only thought that is perpetuating in my head is of one word. And that is ultimate sianess -.- seriously man. If I were to describe my condition right now, I will definitely compare my nose to the yellow river. AhHHH. Help me!! I need more tissue! Oh yeah . On a totally academic note, I am so screwed for physics MSA tomorrow.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
you gotta start adding more foundation to the bridge for the bridge to within stand more weight.
i got to say i really ENJOYED alot from the mini geog trip to the *river( or rather longkang) today.
did alot of hands on field work.
and really man,
having field trip and getting ur hands involves beat reading the DRY DRY AND DRY NOTES.
no pictures,
cause we were getting dirty heh.!
Open House 10
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Well, the reason why it turned out like this was due to my fault!
i'll make the next one a better one!
Which is CCA orientation.
We will rock the whole place upside down.
co version.
learn from mistakes i will.
learn from carelessness.
learn from not being able to predict.
learn from trusting too much.
learn from creating backup plans!
SAJChineseOrchestra Will be Having An Appeal AUDITION.
it will be held on next wednesday 20th of Jan,
2.30pm in the SAJC CO room.
so if whoever is really interested to get into SA,
coming for the audition might turn out to be your knight in shinning armor if you couldn't make it into SA via merit!
So IF YOU are interested,
do drop by next week!
more information can be found on the SAJC website.
cya thr :)
though i would VERY much like to sleep now,
i do have a whole pile of load to do!
and on a totally, unrelated, and lame note,
96 more extra spam mails before i reach 10,000 unread messages for my HOTMAIL ACCOUNT!
First Day Of school
Monday, January 11, 2010
First Day of school and im SO DAMN TIRED @ THE END OF THE DAY -_-
i want to slp.. =(
anyways today marks the release of the O lvl results for my beloved juniors.
i got to say im really glad for some of them for getting such wonderful results :)
and as for those that gotten otherwise,
don't worry!
O lvls just the beginning,
you have a long long journey to complete ahead of you!
so don't be unhappy or others ok?
ok. im off to get a NEW phone, after telling my friends that i will change a new phone SOON since last year.
ansen asked me that today. lol.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
had alot of dreams recently.
i got to say, their intriguing. lol.
content wise ? colorful.
stupid sushi
Friday, January 08, 2010
so foolish of me to mix thursday and friday up!
i guess having long holidays kinda makes you disorientated o.o.
oh well,
was supposed to meet the sushi gang for sushi on FRIDAY.
but instead,
i SOMEHOW confused thursday with friday up.
and yes,
i went to SIMEI ALONE yesterday just to have some stupid lunch.
wana kill myself.
i guess today's outing went pretty well!
caught up with don and the guys.
kinda miss the days back then
when we were so innocent *coughs*
so CUTE and ADORABLE *coughs even harder*
i gotta say,
those guys din really change man,
the only thing that really changed,
is their physical appearances.
apparently, they have been working out at the GYM.
so yeah,
big big muscles.
and as for me,
more more weight.
to show you the diference..........
this was me when i was sec 4. ( ok damn i cant upload the pict online )
anyways it's just hell lots of difference.
TO BE YOUNG AGAIN..................
i mean....
im still young ok.
on a totally UNRELATED note.
i think im starting to talk like a girl man.
just look.
ranting and ranting.
ok no offence.
slping at 12?!!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
wanted to sleep by 12 for the entire week..

end up slping close to 3 everyday and waking up @ 12.
when sch reopen i gg.
*randomness coming*...
and everything nice.
this were the secret ingredients chosen to create the perfect little boys.
but BDS accidently added an extra ingredient into the cauldron.
chemical X........
thus, the bds boys were born!
using their ultra super chopstick skills,
has dedicated their stomachs to eating sushi,
and the forces .
more sushi!!
okay just trying to be lame as always.
going out with my secondary school friends tmr.
have not seen most of them for close to a year!
the last time i have been with all of them,
was getting my results man.
time really flies. zzz
oh anyways,
i watched the orphan today
and i got to say,
its damn good man.
although theres alot of horror cliches inside,
i got to say its damn entertaining lol.

a good 4/5 for me!
Friday, January 01, 2010
okay, i am
going to change my phone.

My friends have been asking me ( ok only stanley )
S : eh when you changing your phone ( april )
Z : soon.
S : eh when you changing your phone? ( may )
Z : soon
S : eh when you changing your phone ( Aug )
Z : soon.
S : eh when you changing your phone ( b4 n after promos )
Z : soon.
okay, and yes, i am finally going to change my phone. YES!!!
*soon*. :)

oh well, im considering a switch over to either singtel or M1.
Both of their student plans are REALLY REALLY attractive.
just like

mmm, so im wondering 

I need some suggestions!

JAN 1st
i got a feeling,
that tonights gonna be a bad night.
sibei sian.
hello 2010
your the harbinger of sianess.
thanks so much.
and yes, i spent 2010 ALONE @ home.
Watching the same old *fireworks* that the boat's shoot.
2nd year in a row.
Took some blur photos.
Exactly like last year.
What do you call this, dejavu? -_________-
okay, heres a massive rant about randomess coming right up!
i want to eat.
i want to eat good food.
i want to drink root beer from a mug.
i want to go out.
i want to do sth
2011, JAN 1ST,
i will be enjoying a hell a time outside yea!
but for now,
its just you and me my computer.
And no new year resolution this year.
and don't think i can sleep now -_-