Friday, March 23, 2007
Is Singapore Overly Concerned about Security? That singapore sent a whole lot of riot police againts 4 silent protestors? I can infer from the clip that those protestors are unhappy about the NKF thingy.. And should we even donate to charity? For example.. i donate 10 dollars to another student.. the student gives the money to the school, the school sents the money to some charitable place.. but where does the money goes after that? In the pocket of some Big directors? that they have so much power they can embazzle so much money our parents could never earn in their life time within days? And aren't the money supposed to be DONATED to those that are for the poor and needy?? So is there something wrong with having too much power and no restriction? Well i don't know.. Well this is my personal thoughts.. No offence thank you.